The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are apparent pikers compared to the Bezos' -- at only $8.3 billion doled out in 2023 to destroy Western Civilization in general and America in particular.

On the other hand, Bill's funding of a Harvard "solar geoengineering" experiment (WHAT COULD GO WRONG?) to spray dust into the atmosphere to block the sun will have a good chance of killing off most, if not all, life on Earth ... so we have that going for us, if not mass starvation to look forward to.

It's almost as if those who don't believe in God believe that they are, in fact, Gods ... or something. Almost.

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We know now why he kicked her to the curb. She is an idiot child with a truckload of dynamite and a torch.

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I don't trust any "non-profits" that are not explicitly Christian.

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Even the Christian ones are all about infinity brownoids. The Clairemont Institute is run by Peter Theil, a Gay Jew.

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Uh, the Clairemont Institute does not fall under the category of "explicitly Christian". It isn't even a charity, it's a political think tank.

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More reasons to limit divorce.

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Elon’s a cuck and he wants Infinity Pajeets. You’re going to have to find another grift.

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"Scott should ponder her philanthropy and consider whether it is really about helping the groups she claims to care for or whether it is about her own self-image or enacting a psychodrama around her own white guilt."

This will never happen. Can you imagine the echo chamber Scott lives in and the people continually telling her how great she is? The grifters in her orbit have a financial incentive to keep her on her current path, and she must feel emboldened and righteous after all her "giving."

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